What a Christian life looks like, Walking the Walk, and Talking the Talk.

 A few days ago a friend asked me what a Christain life looks like. I didn't have an answer. It got me to thinking, "what defines a good christian life? What makes a Christians life different from a non-christian?" Well, I've been thinking about that nonstop ever since. I think I have finally come up with an answer.

  A lot of people think that christians have to live a perfect life, and can't do anyhting fun, well I disagree. I believe that christians are called to live like Jesus did; do not give into temptations, love all, give grace, be patient, slow to anger, quick to forgive, avoid anything that could cause you to sin and continually grow in your relationship with christ. Now this may seem impossible, and it is, unless you are trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide you in all things. Everyones convictions are different, and that's okay. Some people think it's okay to drink, while others don't. I personally do not htink that drinking is bad. It only becomes bad when you get drunk. When we ask God to help us know what is wrong he will answer. look in the Bible if you are unsure, or ask a pastor. Christians can still do a lot of the things that non-christians do, we just have to be careful to not fall into sin. 

 I think a christian life would look like Jesus' life, everything pointing to Jesus. Yes, you can do things that don't point to Him. Jesus was constantly living his life for God, through his actons and the words he said. We are called to love others, and to share the Gospel, when we do that I believe we are living a Christian life. When we go out of our way to help those in need that is glorifing to God. If we are talking to God everyday, growing in our relationship with him, showing his love to all, and spreading the gospel even just through our actions then we will be living a christian life.


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